Some of the devastation in the 9th ward. The X's were used by search teams checking houses in the aftermath of Katrina. The top of the X shows the date, either side has information about what agency was conducting the search, and the bottom number shows any bodies that were found.
There are famous images of the Circle Food Store in the upper 9th during the flood. It has yet to re-open. In many cases you have homes that were re-built right next to others that haven't been touched since they were inundated.
Lakeview was another area that was completely devastated when the 17th street canal levy broke.
Where the levy broke. The gray cement on the left is newer and shows where the breach was repaired. The new pumps on the 17th street canal... installed post Katrina
Make it Right New Orleans is an organization helping to rebuild the lower 9th with eco-friendly flood-resistant homes that will benefit families such as this one.
Yesterday was my first full day in New Orleans. Im staying at my cousin's place in the garden district. Their house is absolutely gorgeous and was built in 1904.
The beautiful home that I am staying in
Beau Rex
So yesterday was also a historical day in New Orleans. I don't want to overstate a sporting event but yesterday the Saints beat the Vikings in the NFC championship game to get to their first ever superbowl (in 41 seasons!). This victory meant a lot to a city that is still struggling after hurricane Katrina. It was great to be able to go out on Bourbon street and share in the celebration that was going on everywhere throughout the city.
The scene on Bourbon street.
People out celebrating
So many people were heading to the French quarter that Canal street turned into a parking lot. People got out of their cars and started a spontaneous celebration in the middle of the street.
My dad and I decided to go on a rail journey down to New Orleans. We have family down there that we never had the opportunity to go visit. Since I am finishing grad school and will start working soon, who knows when we will have another opportunity do do something like this. Here are some pictures from my 32 hour train ride to New Orleans in a 7x7 room with my dad.
Our cabin
Meridian, Mississippi
Train corridor
Marcie, a retired schoolteacher who raised 3 boys on her own, took very good care of us.